Thursday, January 22, 2009

Let's Hear From You

This is a basketball blog, and we have our first big-time basketball-playing president.

But that's not the point. My brother has an idea for a movie called "There's Something About Barry," a movie about Barack Obama. Theme and genre are not known, but we want to hear from you.

Who should play Barack Obama?

How about his wife, Michelle?

What about Joe and Jill Biden?

Hillary and Bill Clinton?

John McCain?

Obama's basketball-playing friends: Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey, Oregon State basketball coach and first brother-in-law Craig Robinson, former Duke player Reggie Love

(Of course the UNC Tar Heels will play themselves)

George W. Bush

Let's hear some suggestions, people.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He should play his National Security Advisor, General Jim Jones, who played basketball at Georgetown and would give him fits in the paint, based on his 6'5, 200+ pound, 'I used to be a 4 star Marine general' physique.